When ministers of the crown tweet

Attempting to defend his stance on the census, Tony Clement takes to Twitter

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Attempting to defend his stance on the census, Industry Minister Tony Clement takes to the Twitter, proceeds to run into economist Stephen Gordon.

TonyClement_MP @wicary Actually the Long Form is still around & will be going to more Cdns–minus the state coercion.

Harbles @TonyClement_MP However the statistical randomness is gone making the data skewed.

TonyClement_MP @Harbles Wrong. Statisticians can ensure validity w larger sample size

stephenfgordon @TonyClement_MP Wrong. Large samples can’t fix sample selection biases.

TonyClement_MP @stephenfgordon Which is why proper weighting will be used, as always the case

stephenfgordon @TonyClement_MP Where will the weights come from? Other voluntary surveys get their weights from the census.

c_9 @TonyClement_MP But weighting is done based on CENSUS DATA. Can’t weight the original data. Answers to these concerns somewhere?

TonyClement_MP @c_9 Folks! There is STILL a mandatory Census!

stephenfgordon @TonyClement_MP How can we reweight for education and income using short form data?