This is the week that was

After some delay—including a denial of service attack—the NDP chose Thomas Mulcair as its next leader. The Conservatives had their talking points ready. Bob Rae offered his congratulations. Brad Lavigne departed, while Libby Davies remained. The Mulcair Era began. The new leader of the opposition talked to Peter Mansbridge, hedged on responding to Conservative attacks, suggested the party moved past socialism, focused on jobs and rallied his caucus. The Prime Minister offered his congratulations. We explained how Mr. Mulcair won. And how Brian Topp nearly did.

After some delay—including a denial of service attack—the NDP chose Thomas Mulcair as its next leader. The Conservatives had their talking points ready. Bob Rae offered his congratulations. Brad Lavigne departed, while Libby Davies remained. The Mulcair Era began. The new leader of the opposition talked to Peter Mansbridge, hedged on responding to Conservative attacks, suggested the party moved past socialism, focused on jobs and rallied his caucus. The Prime Minister offered his congratulations. We explained how Mr. Mulcair won. And how Brian Topp nearly did.

After much spinning and leaking and prognosticating, the budget was tabled. Mike McNair blamed the Harper government’s tax policies for the deficit. The opposition parties lamented. The cuts were broadly outlined. Pat Martin’s dream came true. Charities, foreign aid and environmental regulations were targeted. The Finance Minister scolded Ontario.

The NDP paid tribute to Jack Layton. The tale of Pierre Poutine took another twist. Brian Topp said thanks. The F-35 was questioned anew. The Conservatives apparently once campaigned to implement a carbon tax. Christian Paradis went hunting for moose. Unfortunate lodging used to be grounds for dismissal. The Council of Canadians challenged the election results in seven ridings. Bob Rae questioned the NDP’s questions, but struggled to finish his own. And Joe Preston said a bad word.

Justin Trudeau and Patrick Brazeau sparred. Marc Mayrand testified and put some numbers on the vote suppression scandal. Craig Scott had an instructive first day. Garry Breitkreuz was accused of questionable hypotheticals. And Bev Oda mixed her promises to unfortunate effect.