Julia Johnson

Julia has worked for many magazines but her favourite remains Green Team, an environmental publication she ran from her treehouse in the summer of 1993. She confidently led a small staff of neighbourhood kids and all magazine work since has been an attempt to recapture the glory of that perfect summer. She hosts and produces the pop culture podcast, The Thrill.

Buck 65’s ode to Elton McDonald and the Toronto tunnel

‘To me, he’s something of a folk hero. And so, I wrote him a folk song ‘


Photo essay: From 9/11 to Afghanistan

Photojournalist Larry Towell’s goal? ‘I try to become the people I photograph.’


Photo essay: Vestiges of a bunker mentality

The Berlin Wall fell, but testaments to the Cold War remain standing


Photo essay: The invisible man

Liu Bolin’s artwork has him and his subjects disappearing into the background–but also exposing hard truths in his native China


Exercise trend blends voguing with yoga

‘Voga’ is the latest sign of a rebirth of the ’90s dance popularized by Madonna


Photographer and ‘artivist’ JR takes the art world by storm

‘The city was the best gallery I could imagine’


Your office colleague is not your friend

Miss Manners on colleague/pal confusion and other etiquette fails


Photo essay: Street art goes global

Graffiti sparks a multitude of conversations worldwide

Words and music by AC/DC

Introducing the reinvented cover band

A new breed of artists elevates the cover band from midlife hobby to curated show


If juice cleanses don’t really work, why are we hooked?

Juice-only detoxes are a growing trend — much to the alarm of health practitioners


Frank Lloyd Wright—for rent

Check out the starchitect-designed structures available for your next vacation